Teeth Bonding
Bonding is a cosmetic procedure that allows the dentist to reshape or repair your smile using composite resin. Cosmetic bonding is particularly ideal if you’re insecure about the appearance of your smile or want an affordable alternative to invasive and more costly procedures such as orthodontics or veneers. With bonding, chipped or uneven teeth can be repaired easily and affordably, restoring your self-confidence. Additionally, bonding in Darien, CT is often completed in a single visit and doesn’t require any anesthetic!
As with most cosmetic procedures, bonding will wear and discolor over time, eventually needing to be replaced; however, bonding is very durable and typically lasts many years.
Reasons for cosmetic bonding:
- Closing spaces or gaps
- Fixing chipped teeth
- Fixing decayed teeth (teeth with cavities)
- Lengthening uneven teeth
- Protecting roots exposed by receding gums
- Restoring badly discolored teeth
What does dental bonding involve?
To begin, the dentist will isolate the teeth included in the procedure, etching them in preparation for bonding. After applying the etching conditioning liquid, the surface of the teeth will have small crevices that allow the tooth stronger adhesion with the bonding agent.
The dentist will then apply a bonding resin which cements the composite in place. After several layers of tooth-colored composite are applied, the composite and bonding resin are shaped and hardened with a specially calibrated light. Once the composite is fully set, the bonded areas are smoothed, buffed, and polished to blend in naturally with the surrounding teeth.
If you want to regain confidence in your smile, contact our practice to learn more about bonding.
Opalescence® Teeth Whitening (In-Office Or At-Home)
Opalescence is a proven teeth whitening treatment that eliminates organic stains on the teeth and significantly brightens the smile. Opalescence can be used with or without light activation of the gel provided at the discretion of the dentist. Opalescence is an exceptionally quick and simple treatment. Bleaching gel is applied to the teeth for around 45 minutes. Opalescence is completely safe and helps to protect dental enamel during treatment with added potassium nitrate and fluoride.
Why should I consider Opalescence®?
Opalescence combines hydrogen peroxide which serves to whiten the teeth, with potassium nitrate reduces sensitivity, and strengthens enamel. This treatment can only be used on generally healthy teeth that are free from disease and decay.
There are a great many reasons why Opalescence is often preferred over other brands, including:
- Minimizes tooth sensitivity
- Promotes strong tooth enamel
- Quick treatment times
- Reduces risk of tooth dehydration
- Proven results
How is the Opalescence® treatment performed?
The opalescence whitening gel contains 38% hydrogen peroxide and potassium nitrate. After in-office treatment, gel, and toothpaste containing lower concentrations of the whitening formula may be prescribed for use at home. The Opalescence whitening gel is thick, which reduces mess during application.
Here is how the procedure will be performed:
- A thorough cleaning will remove debris from the surfaces of the teeth.
- Photographs will be taken to record the current color of the teeth.
- A cheek retractor will be inserted to expose the surfaces of key teeth.
- A resin will be painted onto the gums to protect them.
- The first covering of the Opalescence whitening gel will be applied to the teeth for 15 minutes.
- The dentist will suction off the gel and check the whitening progress.
- More gel will be applied for a further 15 minutes.
- Again, the gel will be removed.
- The mouth will be rinsed and the final round of whitening gel will be applied.
- The mouth will be cleaned and photographs of teeth color post-treatment will be taken.
If the dentist chooses to expedite the whitening process with a specialized light, the light will be applied for approximately 30 seconds per gel application. The entire procedure, including the initial cleaning, should take no more than 90 minutes.
If you have questions or concerns about Opalescence or any other whitening treatment, please contact your dentist.
Porcelain Veneers
Veneers are very thin pieces of durable, tooth-shaped porcelain that are custom-made (for shape and color) by a professional dental laboratory. They are bonded onto the front teeth to create a beautiful and attractive smile.
Veneers can completely reshape your teeth and smile. They can often be alternatives to crowns and the ideal solution in treating many dental conditions.
As with most dental restorations, veneers are not permanent and may someday need replacement. They are very durable and will last many years, giving you a beautiful long-lasting smile.
Reasons for porcelain veneers:
- Cosmetically, to create a uniform, white, beautiful smile.
- Crooked teeth.
- Misshapen teeth.
- Severely discolored or stained teeth.
- Teeth that are too small or large.
- Unwanted or uneven spaces.
- Worn or chipped teeth.
What does getting porcelain veneers involve?
Getting veneers usually requires two visits to complete the process, with little or no anesthesia required during the procedure. The teeth are prepared by lightly buffing and shaping the surface to allow for the thickness of the veneer. A mold or impression of the teeth is taken and a shade (color) will then be chosen by you and the dentist.
On the second visit, the teeth will be cleansed with special liquids to achieve a durable bond. Bonding cement is then placed between the tooth and veneer and a special light beam is used to harden and set the bond.
You will receive care instructions for veneers. Proper brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits will aid in the life of your new veneers.